Expressions of Interest - Provision of an International Leased Line

SUBJECT: Provision of an “International Leased Line" Point-To-Point fibre optic
Connectivity between UN-MINUSTAH Mission Head-Quarters in Port Au Prince, Haiti
and United Nations Logistics Base in Brindisi, Italy.

SUBMISSION OF EOI BY FAX TO: Chief Procurement Officer
FAX NUMBERS: +1-809-549-2780

The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) intends to solicit
proposals from qualified companies to provide engineering related goods to
various locations in Haiti,
To secure the required goods, MINUSTAH will undertake a competitive bidding
exercise shortly. The selected company will be required to provide MINUSTH
with the following items below;
Provision of internet connectivity services to MINUSTAH in Haiti
The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) intends to solicit proposals
from qualified communication companies to provide an Internet International fibre optic
Leased Line, Point-to-point between Port au Prince, Haiti, and UNLB, Brindisi, Italy.
To secure the required services, MINUSTAH will undertake a competitive bidding exercise
shortly. The selected company will be required to provide MINUSTH with the service for an
estimated Four (4) consecutive one-year contract periods.
Companies interested to participate in the tender are requested to submit their
Expression of Interest (Quoting EOI Number__ MINUSTAH-13-COM-16__) on or
before 07 August 2012, via fax or e-mail address as indicated above. The EOI
must include the following information:
• Name of the Company
• Postal and physical address
• Phone number
• Fax number
• E-mail address
• Name and title of the contact person
• Brief explanation on the background and experience of the Company
including clients' references.

This request for EOI does not constitute a solicitation. MINUSTAH reserves the
right in selecting the companies to participate in the bidding. Responding to
this EOI does not guarantee that such company will be invited to tender.