MINUSTAH welcomes the ratification by the Haitian Parliament of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

2 fév 2012

MINUSTAH welcomes the ratification by the Haitian Parliament of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Port-au-Prince - 2 February 2012 - The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) welcomes the ratification on 31 January of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) by the Haitian Parliament during the first session of the National Assembly after the election of its new president and vice-president last January, respectively Senator Simon Dieuseul Desras and Deputy Levaillant Louis Jeune. This ratification demonstrates the commitment of the Haitian authorities to work for greater protection, respect, and fulfillment of economic, social and cultural rights for all Haitians, and to continue the fight against poverty and social exclusion.

The ratification of this international instrument is an important step towards broadening the scope of human rights protection in Haiti. It also opens interesting perspectives in terms of cooperation for development in the country. At the same time, the ICESCR engages the international community to further support the government efforts to ensure equal access to education, health and to a decent standard of living, including access to water, food and adequate housing, all of which contribute to poverty reduction.

Since 2008, MINUSTAH, through its Human Rights Section  / Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Haiti, and its Political Affairs Section, has significantly lobbied in favor of this ratification. The Mission also supported the work of the "Haitian Youth Parliament" leading to the symbolic ratification of the Covenant at its last session held between 21 and 28 October 2011.

MINUSTAH is committed to support the Haitian government in the implementation of the Covenant by providing technical support in the harmonization of policies, programs and national legislation.