Secretary-General's remarks at press encounter following meeting with Michel Martelly, President of Haiti

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15 juil 2014

Secretary-General's remarks at press encounter following meeting with Michel Martelly, President of Haiti


Photo : Logan Abassi - UN/MINUSTAHPhoto : Logan Abassi - UN/MINUSTAH



Merci de votre hospitalité, votre accueil très chaleureux. Je suis très impressionné, très touché.

Je suis très heureux d’être de retour en Haïti. Il s’agit de ma cinquième visite en tant que Secrétaire général de l’ONU.

Je me n’oublierai jamais de ma visite juste après le tremblement de terre de 2010. Quatre ans plus tard, je constate que les efforts conjugués d’Haïti et de ses partenaires ont porté leurs fruits : de grands progrès ont été accomplis. Aujourd’hui, j’ai été très, très impressionné par ce que j’ai vu, les grandes avancées et les grands progrès que vous avez accomplis sous votre direction malgré la situation économique difficile et de financement.

Les systèmes de santé sont en train d’être renforcés. Davantage d’enfants sont scolarisés. L’accès à l’eau s’est amélioré pour de nombreuses familles et la plus grande partie des déplacés ont quitté les camps. L’activité économique a repris.

Aujourd’hui avec le Premier Ministre Lamothe, nous avons lance une initiative tres très importante, une campagne d’assainissement totale, a Los Palmas.

It was a quite important initiative, toward the right direction. It is a demonstration of the United Nations and Haitian Government’s very strong will.

I am very please to witness myself that under the leadership of President Martelly, the number of new cases of cholera has [been] the lowest during the last several months. This is quite a remarkable achievement.

I think the people of Haiti have undergone more than their fair share of hardships. They deserve a future of hope, effective political representation, social inclusion, economic development and environmental sustainability. That is why I am here. As I said this is my fifth visit.

I am very much encouraged by your strong commitment to the electoral system by having elections, legislative elections, in October this year. At the same time, I am concerned that there is still some disagreement between the executive and legislative branches but I am sure that under your leadership this will be solved and the elections will be conducted in an inclusive, credible and democratic way.

The holding of inclusive elections this year is essential for the continuity of parliament in 2015, and for the consolidation of democracy and the rule of law. I therefore urge all political leaders to work towards the holding of fair, credible and transparent elections this year. Political stability is a key prerequisite for Haiti to continue on the path of progress.

As you have mentioned, the United Nations is reconfiguring MINUSTAH, and reducing our uniformed presence significantly. Increased Haitian ownership will be critical. But of course, the full UN family remains strongly committed to Haiti’s long-term development and well-being. I have taken note of your Government’s position on this issue and we will have a very careful strategic assessment on this issue.

Lastly, in addressing all socio-economic issues as well as cholera issues, let me also underline that this is not a time for donor fatigue. Haiti still needs the assistance of the international community to consolidate the stabilization and development gains achieved so far. I call on the donor community to continue to work to this end with the Government.

The United Nations will continue to accompany the Government and people of Haiti throughout this journey.

Thank you.