
Haiti is on the Security Coucil's agenda on Monday, 24th March 2014, with the presentation of the latest Report of Ban Ki-moon by his Special Representative, Madame Sandra Honoré.

24 mar 2014

Companies producing treated water are constantly being created in Haiti to sell their product in bottles, sachets, or by the gallon. The average consumer trusts such providers – without questioning the treatment process on which everyone's health depends...

21 mar 2014

In Haiti, only 55.2 percent of the population has access to an improved water source, while close to 70 percent does not have direct access to potable water.

20 mar 2014

In Morene, in the communal section of Lascahobas, a drinking water supply project funded by MINUSTAH improves the daily life of farmers in this remote area of the Central Plateau.

19 mar 2014
