
En ocasión del 21 de septiembre, Día Internacional de la Paz, y hasta el 10 de diciembre, ¡baila por la paz!

25 sep 2013

After Croix-des-Bouquets, Pétionville and Delmas, it’s the turn of Cité Soleil to host the fourth Brigade on Bicycles - a unit of the Police Nationale d’Haïti (PNH ), whose mission is to get closer to the population.

24 sep 2013


Un concours MINUSTAH sur les médias sociaux.

A l'occasion du 21 septembre, Journée internationale de la paix, et jusqu'au 10 décembre, danses pour la paix !

23 sep 2013

New York, 21 September 2013 - The International Day of Peace is a time for reflection – a day when we reiterate our belief in non-violence and call for a global ceasefire.

21 sep 2013

French actor Lambert Wilson backs Peace in Haiti in a recorded message broadcast on Haitian national television and posted on the United Nations’ online platforms including the MINUSTAH website on International Day of Peace on September 21st..

20 sep 2013

To mark International Day of Peace in Haiti - observed this year under the theme ‘Education for Peace’ - a dozen young Haitian parliamentarians along with the Head of MINUSTAH, had “the voice of Haiti heard" during a video conference with the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

19 sep 2013

Discover the multifaceted work of MINUSTAH in this documentary.

Découvrez-le dans ce documentaires sur les multiples facettes du travail de la MINUSTAH.

19 sep 2013

On the occasion of International Day of Peace, the United Nations in New York invited some young Haitian parliamentarians to talk with the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s Special Envoy For Youth and Messenger of Peace, along with the youth of other countries

19 sep 2013

18 September 2013 – The United Nations today marked the International Day of Peace with a call to invest in education that encourages children to embrace global citizenship based on values of tolerance and diversity.

18 sep 2013

Raphaëlle Bateau, jeune étudiante en droit à Port-au-Prince, rêve d’une Haïti où la jeunesse joue un vrai rôle dans la vie politique, socio-économique et environnementale.

17 sep 2013
