
“The Aochan Créole is a project of the NGO Viva Rio, born in 2010 and directly serving at present approximately 250 children and youth from the Grand Bel Air community, in Haiti’s capital.

18 oct 2013

18 oct 2013

Twenty children with special needs have created a mural in Jacmel. The aim is to advocate for the integration of disabled people in disaster prevention and to sensitize the population on the need to rescue this vulnerable group of people.

17 oct 2013

The rules and procedures of United Nations procurement will be the focus of a briefing which the United Nations Mission for Stabilization in Haiti (MINUSTAH) organizes on October 15th for its Haitian suppliers.

15 oct 2013

10 October 2013 – The Security Council today voted unanimously to extend the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Haiti until mid-October 2014 so it can continue contributing to stability and development in the small Caribbean nation.

10 oct 2013

Sixty residents from volatile neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince were trained in first aid as part of a community-outreach program led by MINUSTAH's Brazilian peacekeepers (BRABAT) and the NGO, Viva Rio.

09 oct 2013

Entamée il y a cinq ans, la restructuration de l’unique marché public de l’Ile-à-Vache a pris fin le 2 octobre 2013, avec l’inauguration d’un complexe entièrement neuf dans la localité de Madame Bernard.

08 oct 2013

The National Institute for Advanced Training of Midwives opened its doors on Monday, October 7th in the Cite Soleil area of Port-au-Prince. The inauguration signals changes in the way midwives are trained in Haiti.

07 oct 2013

Quelque 8 000 personnes déplacées dans la Commune de Croix-des-Bouquets après le séisme du 12 janvier ont été relocalisées entre février et août 2013. L’annonce a été faite lors d’une conférence de presse jeudi dernier par les autorités communales en lisière de la capitale haïtienne.

05 oct 2013


04 oct 2013
