
Eighteen officers of the Haitian Coast Guard - including two women – have ended their five-week training at the Killick naval base in the Haitian capital. The officers graduated on October 25th during an official ceremony.

05 nov 2013

05 nov 2013

Reforestation work is underway on the Koliko hill of Cap Haitian. Carried-out by a local organization for six months, they aim to stabilize the bed of Vaudreuil watershed, situated in Cap Haitian’s higher ground. The work is funded with U.S.

05 nov 2013

A campaign against the abuse of drugs and alcohol was launched on September 28th in Cap Haitian.

04 nov 2013

52 jeunes ont été formés en premiers secours et en pâtisserie par les militaires chiliens de la MINUSTAH au cours du mois d’octobre. Ces bénéficiaires, dont une majorité de femmes, sont issus des quartiers défavorisés du Cap Haïtien.

01 nov 2013

Dans une interview à MINUSTAH TV, à l’occasion de la Journée des Nations Unies le 24 octobre dernier, la Représentante spéciale du Secrétaire général de l’ONU en Haïti, Sandra Honoré, a appelé la population à œuvrer en faveur du progrès et de la paix.

31 oct 2013

Prayers, clothing exhibitions, paintings and crafts, the presentation of a literacy programme, musical chairs, an egg-and-spoon race plus a gala football match marked UN Prisoners Day (on October 27th) in the civil prison of Cap-Haitian.

31 oct 2013


30 oct 2013

The smoke rises dark and thick over fields strewn with garbage and human excrement. It first sputtered into life some thirty years ago on the shores of what was a clean and clear river.

30 oct 2013

This week Pote Kole focuses on Jans Lee Johnny, a community leader in Cité Soleil, the biggest slum in Port-au-Prince. Jans runs Fondation Kemlang, which teaches painting and music to young disadvantaged children in a zone still considered 'hot'.

29 oct 2013
