
Environ 700 personnes de différentes nationalités et des jeunes écoliers haïtiens ont parcouru dix kilomètres dans les artères de Cap-Haïtien, ce samedi 8 février 2014.

12 fév 2014

Family abandonment, illiteracy and chronic unemployment, sexual abuse and extreme poverty... these are just some of the things that define the lives of people living in 'precarious' neighbourhoods in Port-au-Prince.

12 fév 2014

World Radio Day recognizes the unique role and impact of a medium that reaches the largest audience worldwide.

This year’s observance highlights the need for radio broadcasters everywhere to promote the voice of women and to enhance the role of women within broadcast organizations.

12 fév 2014

Incarcerated for a term of nine years, Charlot decided to sing to pass the time and live-out his passion for music. Encouraged by prison officials in Les Cayes where he is being held, the young man has just finished second in a singing competition organized by a local television station.

10 fév 2014

 In the South, the town of Torbeck has been working since 2011 to put paid to repeated flooding... A United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project seeks to protect the banks of the river which flows through the town.

07 fév 2014

FAITS SAILLANTS Le sous financement affecte la réponse au choléra Des problèmes de protection persistent dans les camps restants où vivent environ 146 000 personnes et dans d’autres localités de la zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince, notammentCanaan.

06 fév 2014

The Civil Aviation section of MINUSTAH conducted a search-and-rescue exercise - integrating the simulation of an air accident in the town of Milot (North), with the participation of the National Office of Civil Aviation of Haiti (OFNACH – after Office national d’aviation civile d’Haïti).

06 fév 2014

In the small community of Bigouné, next to Cormier, (in the 12th communal section of Léogane), stone sculpture is a passion for many young people.

06 fév 2014

Over the past thirty years, the country’s forest cover dramatically decreased and now represents less than two per cent of the Haitian territory.

05 fév 2014
