
Depuis quelques mois, les enfants de Desvarieux, une localité de Gascogne (département du Centre), peuvent se rendre à l’école sans parcourir des kilomètres comme autrefois.

28 jan 2014

Even before the earthquake, the health situation in Haiti was already one of the most fragile in the region. However, significant progress was made in several areas, including nutrition and HIV/AIDS prevention.

28 jan 2014

Rule of law in Haiti remains a challenge, mainly due to dysfunctional institutions (justice, police and prisons). Professional police and accountable justice systems are essential to the stability of the country, and therefore to investments, economic growth and development.

24 jan 2014

In order to better support the vocational training of young people living in vulnerable areas of Haiti, MINUSTAH has signed on January 23rd a partnership agreement with the Bureau du Secrétaire d’Etat à la formation professionnelle (BSEFP - Office of the Secretary of State for Vocational Train

24 jan 2014

Haiti has made remarkable progress to recover from the multiple shocks suffered in the last few years: 89% of the displaced population from the 2010 earthquake have left the camps; the number of cholera cases has been reduced by 50 percent from 2012 to 2013 and severe food insecurity has been bro

23 jan 2014

Institutional governance remains a key challenge in Haiti. State revenues barely cover the operational needs of ministries and state entities, and the Triennial Investment Plan (PTI) for 2014-2016 relies heavily on external resources such as donor funding and PetroCaribe loans.

21 jan 2014

The 63,000 inhabitants of Plaisance - situated 33km from Cap-Haïtien (in the North) - finally have their own Town Hall, a first since the town was founded by Royal Decree back in 1749

21 jan 2014

Maxi St Félix, sculpteur sur bois

Après 38 ans de carrière internationale, le sculpteur Maxi Saint Felix met tout son art au profit de la région d’Aquin…

21 jan 2014

During her first visit to Miragoâne, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Haiti met with local authorities and the staff of the UN Mission there.

20 jan 2014

Rule of law in Haiti remains a challenge, mainly due to dysfunctional institutions (justice, police and prisons). Professional police and accountable justice systems are essential to the stability of the country, and therefore to investments, economic growth and development.

20 jan 2014
