
At the GHESKIO health centre, the enemy is not disease, but poverty.

What good is rude health, if you remain on the side-walk without any economic opportunities?

30 déc 2013

In an atmosphere of veritable joy, 1,058 new police officers - including 111 women - of the 24th Promotion were sworn-in on December 27th at a graduation ceremony held at the Police Academy in Port-au-Prince.

27 déc 2013

Un bureau de lutte contre la violence faite aux femmes vient d’ouvrir ses portes au commissariat de Jacmel (Sud-est). Là, les victimes pourront en toute quiétude porter plainte, recevoir un accompagnement médical et une assistance juridique.

26 déc 2013

Sung about in popular songs, present in homes and displayed in public places and on TV, fanaux (plural of fanal in French) are an expression of traditional Haitian art practice typically deployed at the end-of-year holiday season.

24 déc 2013

The Court of First Instance of Port-au-Prince resumed its hearings on December 2nd following a significant accumulation of dossiers piling-up on judges desks...

23 déc 2013

Just over 350 people now have drinking water on Ile de la Tortue (Northwest region) since eleven large new cisterns were inaugurated on November 28th.

23 déc 2013

UN Experts destroyed more than eight tons of munition through a destruction operation organized by MINUSTAH in conjunction with the Police Nationale d'Haïti (PNH), on December 18th and 19th, in the area of Balan, in the commune of Ganthier, east of Port-au-Prince.

20 déc 2013

'Lizards' with red eyes are constantly hunted by the inhabitants of the Southeast town of Anse-à-Pitre - where nests are found.

20 déc 2013

With the aim of contributing to the reduction of violence in sensitive areas of the Haitian capital, the Community Violence Reduction (CVR) section of MINUSTAH has enabled 100 young people to take part in vocational training...

19 déc 2013
