
Almost 500 hectares of land will be irrigated through the renovation of an irrigation channel in Grande-Saline, in the department of Artibonite. The project was launched on July 15th.

22 juil 2013

Originating from poor families in the countryside or the capital, trafficked by so-called ‘benefactors’ within Haiti or through the border of the Dominican Republic in search of jobs, many Haitian children are victims of human trafficking.

19 juil 2013

On July 5th, following a year of career-orientated training, 50 female entrepreneurs and 200 young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince received diplomas.

18 juil 2013

More than 90% of the energy consumed in the department of Plateau Central comes from charcoal. Once green and leafy, the vegetation covering this department - neighbouring the Dominican Republic – today stands at just 1%.

18 juil 2013

Optimistic, intelligent, a real go-getter, Marie-Aure Clermont has undergone training in small business management for women from vulnerable parts of Port-au-Prince. Called Maggy by friends and family, Marie-Aure started her own collection of fashion items and today employs 26 artisans.

17 juil 2013
Saison cyclonique 2013 Rapport de situation numéro 2 du Mercredi 10 Juillet 2013
16 juil 2013

A la veille de son départ après quelque 3 ans et demi dans le pays, le Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies en Haïti par intérim, Nigel Fisher se confie au micro de MINUSTAH FM.

12 juil 2013

Having lost its intensity, Chantal has reached Haiti in the form of a ‘tropical wave’ – far less devastating than a storm or hurricane.

11 juil 2013

Three days after the start of the mobilization in anticipation of the passage of Tropical Storm Chantal, Haitian authorities maintain a state of high alert across the country, despite the storm weakening significantly.

10 juil 2013
